Lee County Youth Development Center
The Lee County Youth Development Center is uniquely set apart - singular in its design of offering a broad continuum of services and care for youth and families. Our agency strives to maintain the highest standards of quality care and innovative practices with expertise in the areas of prevention, intervention and residential care.
We are a not-for-profit, 501 (c3) agency with deep roots in our local community and an impact which reaches statewide. Founded in 1973 by the late Mrs. Jane C. Walker and the late Mrs. Cecil D. Moreman, from the beginning this agency was intent on making an impactful difference in the lives of those who are most vulnerable among us. Our main campus is located in Opelika, Alabama on property donated by the George King family. We also operate off campus programming which includes Project Uplift - housed on the campus of Auburn University - our Transitional Living Home, Therapeutic Foster Care homes and Independent Living apartments.
LCYDC is governed by a Board of Directors who represent a broad spectrum of diverse community interests and specialties. From policies established and endorsed by our Board, the agency's workforce of more than two hundred full, part-time and contracted employees set about establishing meaningful programming which meets the evolving needs of those we serve.
For more than forty years LCYDC has been entrusted with the privilege of improving the human condition one child...one family... and one situation at a time.
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Our Mission Statement
A place of service.
Offering hope to children and families.
Strengthening communities.

Our Core Values
Building and valuing a committed, compassionate and enthusiastic team.
Honoring tradition while inviting and embracing diversity, change and growth.
Providing a comprehensive range of service designed to improve the quality of life for children, families and our community.
Our Ethics
The Lee County Youth Development Center supports, affirms, and expects all agents of LCYDC to adhere to the principles outlined in the National Association of Homes for Children's Code of Ethics which reads as follows:
We will protect children in our care from abuse or maltreatment, experimentation, economic exploitation, malnutrition and unsafe environments; and shall bring to account adults who thwart that purpose.
We will utilize fully our professional skills in striving to obtain for each child the permanence of a family life.
We will obtain or provide for children who are physically or mentally ill the best therapeutic care available to us.
We will provide every opportunity for children to learn and develop whatever talents they may possess.
We will accord children in our care full respect as individuals, the full rights guaranteed all citizens of the United States, while teaching them to respect the rights of others.
We will respect the uniqueness of each child's race, culture and religion while attempting to instill a sense of self-worth, individuality, and the responsibilities as well as the privileges of citizenship.
We will nurture in each child the spiritual ethic appropriate to his background and religious heritage
We will serve only those children for whom our service is appropriate and will plan carefully and realistically with, and for each child and, when available, with the family of each child.
We will strive to enhance the talents, techniques and compassion of adults in our employ.
We will use our knowledge and influence, as advocates for children, to improve social conditions and develop resources beneficial to children to the strengthening of American family life.
We will review constantly our services for relevance and effectiveness and shall strive to provide society and the community with child care services appropriate to their needs.
We will represent our services and intentions honestly and openly.