Residential Services
Lee County Youth Development Center believes that serving children, teens and young adults in their homes and communities of origin is the preferred option for both children and families. However, when this option is not available, our nationally accredited residential service programming is designed to work collaboratively with our referring agencies, with children and their families and with all other applicable stakeholders. Residential Care services are infused with an understanding of the primary and secondary traumas experienced by those who are involved in out-of-home care programming. Residential service provision is informed by evolving research and outcome data relative to healthy, healing and hopeful congregate care living. And ultimately, our goal is to transition our residents served from congregate residential care settings to the least restricted environment possible and on to long-term permanency.
Transitional Living Program (TLP)
TLP is a home for older teens and young adults needing permanency and stability serving a co-ed population of up to 14 adolescents ages 16 through 19. Referrals accepted statewide from DHR and Juvenile Court with length of stay ranging from several months to several years. TLP Provides nurturance and support in a homelike environment with a goal of helping youth to live self-sufficiently post-care. Strong emphasis on independent living skills including employment, money management and community integration.
Independent Living Program (ILP)
Serves a co-ed population of up to four young adults in apartment living arrangements.
A moderate residential treatment program, serving up to 40 at-risk male and female pre-teen and teen aged children. Working in partnership with State and County Departments of Human Resources, this program strives to address core underlying factors preventing these young people from progressing.
The Voyages program is a 42 day Community Residential Program for young women who have been court ordered or committed to the Department of Youth Services (DYS). The Program is licensed by DYS to serve sixteen (16) girls. The premise of the program is to provide a warm and inviting residential setting for teens in need of structure and discipline. The Voyages Program promotes the philosophy that a safe and predictable environment fosters a sense of belonging and opportunity for change.
East Alabama Regional Detention
The East Alabama Regional Detention Center is a safe and secure juvenile detention facility that provides services to Lee and 7 surrounding counties. The Detention Center serves the following counties: Chambers, Clay, Coosa, Lee, Macon, Randolph, Russell, and Tallapoosa. The Regional Detention Facility provides a safe, healthy, and caring environment for juveniles temporarily housed under the order of the Juvenile Court System. The Detention Center complies with all DYS and ACA licensing standards, Council on Accreditation (COA) Standards, and Federal Statute: Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) National Standards. Well-trained care providers are vital to our mission to provide a secure, safe, healthy, and caring environment. Regional Detention employs three of the seven instructors certified to teach Non-violent Crisis Intervention (NCI). The East Alabama Detention Center Team plays a vital role in the agency’s continuum of care framework.
Central Cafeteria
Centrally located at the heart of main campus, the agency’s Central Cafeteria operations meets standards set forth by the State Department of Public Health, as well as the Federal Child Nutrition program administered through the State of Alabama Department of Education. The cafeteria prepares more than three hundred meals each day year-round. After school and evening snacks as well as special dietary menus for youth with identified health issues are also provided.
Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder
Summer Meals for Kids Site Finder | Food and Nutrition Service (usda.gov)
The facilities, grounds, equipment and auto fleet owned by the agency require continual attention, repair and maintenance. The agency’s Maintenance Department strives to assist department heads and direct-care staff in establishing and maintaining environments that are inviting and safe for children, families, visitors and employees.
The agency’s Security and Surveillance Department works to ensure year-round safety in the agency’s residential programs, offices, and premises.
Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)
Lee County Youth Development Center is PREA accredited. To view information regarding the Prison Rape Elimination Act, click here. Click here to view our PREA Fact Sheet.
To download a form for reporting Sexual Abuse or Sexual Misconduct, click here.
PREA Results
Click here for LCYDC results
Click here for STARS, Voyages, and Detention results